My first article on this site
This is my own site written in pure C with templates in html and some css styles. All articles are stored in markdown format and are processed by server to convert them to html and send to client. Links list on the homepage is also generated dynamically to show all the articles, currntly avaliable on disk.
Data flow
As for all the pages of this site are pure html, it can be read from really old computers or text-based browsers. Server Side Rendered (SSR) webpages are also good for search engines.
Anyway, I just like such oldschool sites with minimal styles but still featuring pretty enougth design.
As for me, I'm Shishkov Dmitriy. High school student from Russia. I started doing programming about two years ago. As most self-taught coders I began with basic HTML. Then I switched to PHP-based templating programm generator DevelStudio. Some time later I started learning JS, React, NodeJS and similar web technologies. So I studied full-stack web.
But I wanted to try more low-level programming. In school I studied C++, but my friend recommended to start with C to better understand memory-management.
So, since then I'm studying C programming, working on some projects. Some of them avaliable on my Github.